Dr. Brent Hogarth


Dr. Brent Hogarth is a Sport and Clinical Psychologist from Vancouver, Canada. He is an expert in training flow-state, mindfulness, and self-control for both sport and corporate athletes. Brent has significant training and experience providing performance enhancement and mental health counselling. This includes, but is not limited to, working with Olympic and professional athletes, serial entrepreneurs, members of the USA military, computer engineers, authors, hedge fund managers and more. Brent's clinical counseling experience is vast, and he sees everyone as having the ability to be a high-performer.

He completed his Doctoral fellowships at the University of Texas, at El Paso, and at Lehigh University, in Bethlehem, PA. In both of these placements, Dr. Hogarth worked with Division 1 student-athletes, their teams, coaches, and athletic admin. Before entering graduate school, Brent earned an undergraduate degree in Kinesiology. After a short stint as a fitness trainer, he traveled to India where he lived in a Buddhist Monastery and completed a Yoga Teacher training Course. It was at this moment - sitting in meditation on the hills of McLeod Ganj, India - that Brent committed to becoming a psychologist.

Dr. Hogarth is a Humanistic-Existential psychologist. His theoretical orientation is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACT uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies, together with commitment and behavior change strategies, to increase psychological flexibility. Psychological flexibility means contacting the present moment fully, and based on what the situation affords, changing or persisting in behavior in the service of clients' chosen values.

Brent is an avid athlete and aspiring author. He represented B.C in gymnastics as a youth, loves to ski (ask Steven if he's any good) and play basketball. Recently he completed a full Ironman and is training for his first 100 mile ultra marathon. He is currently building on his breakthrough dissertation - "Shining Light on the Dark Side of Flow: is Mindfulness in High-Flow-State Athletes Predictive of Improved Emotion-Regulation and Self-Control?" - into his first book.